How To Landscape With A Dog: Choose The Right Plants
Many popular landscaping flowers, like azaleas, chrysanthemums, crocus, daffodils, and oleander, can cause problems like diarrhoea and severe vomiting. If eaten in too high a quantity, these could be the least of your worries. The plants you choose in your landscaping can prevent your dog from getting sick, and it won’t even force you to make radical changes. Good flower choices to make a dog-friendly garden include roses, sunflowers, African violet, hibiscus, daylilies, marigold, and zinnia.
For those who grow their own produce, you can select species that won’t be harmful if your pet ingests them: blueberries, oat grass, and strawberries are three popular ones that won’t make your dog or cat sick. Some herbs, such as lavender, mint, and rosemary, can even reduce the likelihood of fleas!
Landscaping With Dogs: Choose The Right Mulch
The kind of mulch you lay down in your lawn should be tailored for your pet. If they have long coats, use materials that won’t stick to their fur and track indoors, like hardwood mulch, wood chips, or even gravel. Mulch made from cocoa bean hulls, sold in many large home and garden stores, should be avoided at all costs – it contains theobromine, a lethal substance for dogs and cats.
You can also use mulch to make areas of your yard “less desirable” for dogs in a very gentle way. If you want to keep pets away from certain parts, use hardscape like crushed stone mulch to make a rough surface that won’t appeal to pets. This is the perfect medium for drought-resistant plants for additional colour. These plants, like succulents, are also good for the types of fertilizers you should use.
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